
DSC resource for managing firewall rules.


Carbon_FirewallRule [String] #ResourceName
    Name = [string]
    [Action = [string]{ Allow | Block | Bypass }]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Description = [string]]
    [Direction = [string]{ In | Out }]
    [EdgeTraversalPolicy = [string]{ DeferApp | DeferUser | No | Yes }]
    [Enabled = [bool]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [InterfaceType = [string]{ Any | LAN | RAS | Wireless }]
    [LocalIPAddress = [string]]
    [LocalPort = [string]]
    [Profile = [string[]]]
    [Program = [string]]
    [Protocol = [string]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
    [RemoteIPAddress = [string]]
    [RemotePort = [string]]
    [Security = [string]{ AuthDynEnc | AuthEnc | Authenticate | AuthNoEncap | NotRequired }]
    [Service = [string]]


The Carbon_FirewallRule resource manages firewall rules. It uses the netsh advfirewall firewall command. Please see Netsh AdvFirewall Firewall Commands or run netsh advfirewall firewall set rule for documentation on how to configure the firewall.

When modifying existing rules, only properties you pass are updated/changed. All other properties are left as-is.

Carbon_FirewallRule is new in Carbon 2.0.

Related Commands


Name Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Name String

The name of the rule.

true false
Enabled Boolean

If $true, the rule is enabled. If $false, the rule is disabled.

false false True
Direction String

If set to In, the rule applies to inbound network traffic. If set to Out, the rule applies to outbound traffic.

false false
Profile String[]

Specifies the profile(s) to which the firewall rule is assigned. The rule is active on the local computer only when the specified profile is currently active. Valid values are Any, Domain, Public, and Private.

false false
LocalIPAddress String

The local IP addresses the rule applies to. Valid values are any, an exact IPv4 or IPv6 address, a subnet mask (e.g., or a range. Separate each value with a comma; no spaces.

false false
LocalPort String

The local port the rule applies to. Valid values are a specific port number, a range of port numbers (e.g. 5000-5010), a comma-separate list of numbers and ranges, any, rpc, rpc-epmap, Teredo, and iphttps.

false false
RemoteIPAddress String

The remote IP addresses the rules applies to. Valid values are any, an exact IPv4 or IPv6 address, a subnet mask (e.g., or a range. Separate each value with a comma; no spaces.

false false
RemotePort String

The remote port the rule applies to. Valid values are a specific port number, a range of port numbers (e.g. 5000-5010), a comma-separate list of numbers and ranges, any, rpc, rpc-epmap, Teredo, and iphttps.

false false
Protocol String

The protocol the rule applies to. Valid values are any, the protocol number, icmpv4, icmpv6',icmpv4:type,code,icmpv6:type,code,tcp, orudp`. Separate multiple values with a comma; no spaces.

false false
EdgeTraversalPolicy String

For inbound rules, specifies that traffic that traverses an edge device, such as a Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled router, between the local and remote computer matches this rule. Valid values are any, deferapp, deferuse, or no.

false false
Action String

Specifies what to do when packets match the rule. Valid values are Allow, Block, or Bypass.

false false
InterfaceType String

Specifies that only network packets passing through the indicated interface types match this rule. Valid values are Any, Wireless, LAN, or RAS.

false false
Security String

Specifies that only network packets protected with the specified type of IPsec options match this rule. Valid values are NotRequired, Authenticate, AuthEnc, AuthDynEnc, or AuthNoEncap.

false false
Description String

A description of the rule.

false false
Program String

Specifies that network traffic generated by the identified executable program matches this rule.

false false
Service String

Specifies that traffic generated by the identified service matches this rule. The ServiceShortName for a service can be found in Services MMC snap-in, by right-clicking the service, selecting Properties, and examining Service Name.

false false
Ensure String

Set to Present to create the fireall rule. Set to Absent to delete it.

false false Present


Demonstrates how to enable a firewall rule.

Carbon_FirewallRule EnableHttpIn
    Name = 'World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In)'
    Enabled = $true;
    Ensure = 'Present'


Demonstrates how to delete a firewall rule.

Carbon_FirewallRule DeleteMyRule
    Name = 'MyCustomRule';
    Ensure = 'Absent';

There may be multiple rules with the same name, so we recommend disabling rules instead.


Demonstrates how to create/modify an incoming firewall rule.

Carbon_FirewallRule MyAppPorts
    Name = 'My App Ports';
    Action = 'Allow';
    Direction = 'In';
    Protocol = 'tcp';
    LocalPort = '8080,8180';
    Ensure = 'Present';