
DSC resource for managing settings in INI files.


Carbon_IniFile [String] #ResourceName
    Name = [string]
    Path = [string]
    [CaseSensitive = [bool]]
    [DependsOn = [string[]]]
    [Ensure = [string]{ Absent | Present }]
    [Force = [bool]]
    [PsDscRunAsCredential = [PSCredential]]
    [Section = [string]]
    [Value = [string]]


The Carbon_IniFile resource sets or removes settings from INI files.

Carbon_IniFile is new in Carbon 2.0.

Related Commands


Name Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Path String

The path to the file to update.

true false
Section String

The section of the INI file where the setting can be found.

false false
Name String

The name of the INI setting.

true false
Value String

The value of the INI setting.

false false
CaseSensitive SwitchParameter

The INI file being modified is case-sensitive.

false false False
Force SwitchParameter

If $true, creates the INI file if it doesn't exist.

false false False
Ensure String

Create or delete the INI setting?

false false Present


Demonstrates how to create/set a setting in sectionless INI file.

Carbon_IniFile SetNpmPrefix
    Path = 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc'
    Name = 'prefix';
    Value = 'C:\node-global-modules';
    CaseSensitive = $true;

In this case, we're setting the prefix NPM setting to C:\node-global-modules in the C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc file. It is expected this file exists and you'll get an error if it doesn't. NPM configuration files are case-sensitive, so the CaseSensitive property is set to $true.

This line will be added to the INI file:

prefix = C:\node-global-modules


Demonstrates how to create/set a setting in an INI file with sections.

Carbon_IniFile SetBuildUserMercurialUsername
    Path = 'C:\Users\BuildUser\mercurial.ini'
    Section = 'ui';
    Name = 'username';
    Force = $true;
    Value = 'Build User <>';

In this case, we're setting the 'username' setting in the 'ui' section of the C:\Users\BuildUser\mercurial.ini file to Build User <>. Since the $Force property is $true, if the file doesn't exist, it will be created. These lines will be added to the ini file:

username = Build User <>


Demonstrates how to remove a setting from a case-sensitive INI file.

Carbon_IniFile RemoveNpmPrefix
    Path = 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\npmrc'
    Name = 'prefix';
    CaseSensitive = $true;
    Ensure = 'Absent';


Demonstrates how to remove a setting from an INI file that organizes settings into sections.

Carbon_IniFile RemoveBuildUserMercurialUsername
    Path = 'C:\Users\BuildUser\mercurial.ini'
    Section = 'ui';
    Name = 'username';
    Ensure = 'Absent';