Installs a performance counter.
Install-PerformanceCounter -CategoryName <String> -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Type {NumberOfItemsHEX32 | NumberOfItemsHEX64 | NumberOfItems32 | NumberOfItems64 | CounterDelta32 | CounterDelta64 | SampleCounter | CountPerTimeInterval32 | CountPerTimeInterval64 | RateOfCountsPerSecond32 | RateOfCountsPerSecond64 | RawFraction | CounterTimer | Timer100Ns | SampleFraction | CounterTimerInverse | Timer100NsInverse | CounterMultiTimer | CounterMultiTimer100Ns | CounterMultiTimerInverse | CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse | AverageTimer32 | ElapsedTime | AverageCount64 | SampleBase | AverageBase | RawBase | CounterMultiBase} [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Install-PerformanceCounter -CategoryName <String> -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Type {NumberOfItemsHEX32 | NumberOfItemsHEX64 | NumberOfItems32 | NumberOfItems64 | CounterDelta32 | CounterDelta64 | SampleCounter | CountPerTimeInterval32 | CountPerTimeInterval64 | RateOfCountsPerSecond32 | RateOfCountsPerSecond64 | RawFraction | CounterTimer | Timer100Ns | SampleFraction | CounterTimerInverse | Timer100NsInverse | CounterMultiTimer | CounterMultiTimer100Ns | CounterMultiTimerInverse | CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse | AverageTimer32 | ElapsedTime | AverageCount64 | SampleBase | AverageBase | RawBase | CounterMultiBase} -BaseName <String> [-BaseDescription <String>] -BaseType {NumberOfItemsHEX32 | NumberOfItemsHEX64 | NumberOfItems32 | NumberOfItems64 | CounterDelta32 | CounterDelta64 | SampleCounter | CountPerTimeInterval32 | CountPerTimeInterval64 | RateOfCountsPerSecond32 | RateOfCountsPerSecond64 | RawFraction | CounterTimer | Timer100Ns | SampleFraction | CounterTimerInverse | Timer100NsInverse | CounterMultiTimer | CounterMultiTimer100Ns | CounterMultiTimerInverse | CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse | AverageTimer32 | ElapsedTime | AverageCount64 | SampleBase | AverageBase | RawBase | CounterMultiBase} [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a new performance counter with a specific name, description, and type under a given category. The counter's category is re-created: its current counters are retrieved, the category is removed, a the category is re-created. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find any .NET APIs that allow us to delete and create an existing counter.
If you're creating a performance counter that relies on an accompanying base counter, use the BaseName
, BaseDescription
, and BaseType
parameters to properly add the base counter.
Name | Type | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input | Default Value |
CategoryName | String | The category's name where the counter will be created. |
true | false | |
Name | String | The performance counter's name. |
true | false | |
Description | String | The performance counter's description (i.e. help message). |
false | false | |
Type | PerformanceCounterType | The performance counter's type (from the Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType enumeration). |
true | false | |
BaseName | String | The base performance counter's name. |
true | false | |
BaseDescription | String | The base performance counter's description (i.e. help message). |
false | false | |
BaseType | PerformanceCounterType | The base performance counter's type (from the Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType enumeration). |
true | false | |
Force | SwitchParameter | Re-create the performance counter even if it already exists. |
false | false | False |
WhatIf | SwitchParameter | false | false | ||
Confirm | SwitchParameter | false | false | ||
CommonParameters | This cmdlet supports common parameters. For more information type Get-Help about_CommonParameters . |
Install-PerformanceCounter -CategoryName ToyotaCamry -Name MilesPerGallon -Description 'The miles per gallon fuel efficiency.' -Type NumberOfItems32
Creates a new miles per gallon performance counter for the ToyotaCamry category.
Install-PerformanceCounter -CategoryName "Dispatcher" -Name "Average Dispatch time" -Type AverageTimer32 -BaseName "Average Dispatch Base" -BaseType AverageBase -Force
Creates a counter to collect average timings, with a base counter. Some counters require base counters, which have to be added a specific way to work properly.