
Generates a public/private RSA key pair.


New-RsaKeyPair [-Subject] <String> [-Algorithm <String>] [-ValidFrom <DateTime>] [-ValidTo <DateTime>] [-Length <Int32>] [-Authority <String>] [-PublicKeyFile] <String> [-PrivateKeyFile] <String> [-Password <SecureString>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]


The New-RsaKeyPair function uses the certreq.exe program to generate an RSA public/private key pair suitable for use in encrypting/decrypting CMS messages, credentials in DSC resources, etc. It uses the following .inf file as input (taken from the first example in the help for the Protect-CmsMessage cmdlet):

Signature = "$Windows NT$"


Subject = $Subject
MachineKeySet = false
KeyLength = $Length
HashAlgorithm = $Algorithm
Exportable = true
RequestType = Cert
ValidityPeriod = Days
ValidityPeriodUnits = 


You can control the subject (via the -Subject parameter), key length (via the -Length parameter), the hash algorithm (via the -Algorithm parameter), and the expiration date of the keys (via the -ValidTo parameter). The subject is always required and should begin with "CN=". The length, hash algorithm, and expiration date are optional, and default to 4096, sha512, and 12/31/9999, respectively.

The certreq.exe command stores the private key in the current user's My certificate store. This function exports that private key to a file and removes it from the current user's My store. The private key is protected with the password provided via the -Password parameter. If you don't provide a password, you will be prompted for one. To not protect the private key with a password, pass $null as the value of the -Password parameter.

The public key is saved as an X509Certificate. The private key is saved as a PFX file. Both can be loaded by .NET's X509Certificate class. Returns System.IO.FileInfo objects for the public and private key, in that order.

Before Carbon 2.1, this function used the makecert.exe and pvk2pfx.exe programs, from the Windows SDK. These programs prompt multiple times for the private key password, so if you're using a version before 2.1, you can't run this function non-interactively.

Related Commands


Name Type Description Required? Pipeline Input Default Value
Subject String

The key's subject. Should be of the form CN=Name,OU=Name,O=SuperMagicFunTime,ST=OR,C=US. Only the CN=Name part is required.

true false
Algorithm String

The signature algorithm. Default is sha512.

false false sha512
ValidFrom DateTime

The date/time the keys will become valid. Default is now.

This parameter was made obsolete in Carbon 2.1.

false false (Get-Date)
ValidTo DateTime

The date/time the keys should expire. Default is DateTime::MaxValue.

false false ([DateTime]::MaxValue)
Length Int32

The length, in bits, of the generated key length. Default is 4096.

false false 4096
Authority String

The signing authority of the certificate. Must be commercial (for certificates used by commercial software publishers) or individual, for certificates used by individual software publishers. Default is individual.

This parameter was made obsolete in Carbon 2.1.

false false individual
PublicKeyFile String

The file where the public key should be stored. Saved as an X509 certificate.

true false
PrivateKeyFile String

The file where the private key should be stored. The private key will be saved as an X509 certificate in PFX format and will include the public key.

true false
Password SecureString

The password for the private key. If one is not provided, you will be prompted for one. Pass $null to not protect your private key with a password.

This parameter was introduced in Carbon 2.1.

false false
Force SwitchParameter

Overwrites PublicKeyFile and/or PrivateKeyFile, if they exist.

false false False

Return Values



New-RsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Password $secureString

Demonstrates the minimal parameters needed to generate a key pair. The key will use a sha512 signing algorithm, have a length of 4096 bits, and expire on 12/31/9999. The public key will be saved in the current directory as MyName.cer. The private key will be saved to the current directory as MyName.pfx and protected with password in $secureString.


New-RsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Password $null

Demonstrates how to save the private key unprotected (i.e. without a password). You must set the password to $null. This functionality was introduced in Carbon 2.1.


New-RsaKeyPair -Subject 'CN=MyName' -PublicKeyFile 'MyName.cer' -PrivateKeyFile 'MyName.pfx' -Algorithm 'sha1' -ValidTo (Get-Date -Year 2015 -Month 12 -Day 31) -Length 1024 -Password $secureString

Demonstrates how to use all the parameters to create a truly customized key pair. The generated certificate will use the sha1 signing algorithm, becomes effective 1/1/2015, expires 12/31/2015, and is 1024 bits in length.